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11 March 2009

More Hope, Change & Crawford, Texas

...apparently... hope IS cheap...
U.S. President Barack Obama will not cut the billions of dollars in military aid promised to Israel, a senior U.S. administration official said Wednesday.

The $30 billion in aid promised to Israel over the next decade will not be harmed by the world financial crisis, the official told Israel Radio. He spoke on condition of anonymity.

RELATED: Meanwhile... back at the ranch...
Achmed: Rule of law … did you hear that? He favors Sharia! You know he has ordered the closing of the hated Crusader Gulag of Guantanamo.

Ali: Oh, don’t speak of it! It was so horrible there! They made me fat and flushed my Koran down the toilet! Also, I was compelled to listen to the music of Shaitan very loud. “I love you, you love me!” all day long! It was hell."

"Only by the blessed and miraculous intervention of Allah was I released from this torture to resume my jihad."

LAST WORD: The myth begins to crumble
