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02 March 2009

More Acclamation & Coronation

I guess it's a Liberal thing...
Meet the Prez: Iggy's man is in without a fight.

Alf Apps, a well-connected Bay Street lawyer and one of the Liberals responsible for plucking Michael Ignatieff from Harvard and bringing him back to Canada, is set to become the party's next president. He will be unopposed at the party's convention in Vancouver in late April.

The expectation among some senior Liberals is that the convention, which was originally designed to elect a leader to replace Stéphane Dion, will be an Iggy love-in, showcasing the new leader.
Apparently, there's also gonna be a "Let's Pretend Ball" to try paper over the blood-spattered Iggy-driven regicide of Stephane Dion.

And dude... does that sound like a real hootenanny...
It's not clear how that will go as some MPs report that Mr. Dion keeps to himself in the national caucus and looks dejected.

RELATED: Special K rides again

You can't beat 'em... sue 'em.
