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13 March 2009

I guess it's true what they say...

..."timing is everything"...
The Palestinian Hamas group that governs the Gaza Strip has criticised recent rocket fire directed at Israel and denied responsibility.

The recent rockets were "being fired at the wrong time" and were "not being fired by the resistance faction", a statement from the interior ministry of the Hamas government said on Thursday.

It added that its security forces would find out who was responsible, but stopped short of promising any punitive measures.
Yeah, sure... that'll work for everybody, won't it?


RELATED: Imagine how much worse it'd be...

...if the Pals ever stopped kicking each other's asses...
Hamas and Fatah negotiators said on Thursday they are having difficulty reaching an agreement over the makeup and political program of a Palestinian unity government.

Also on Thursday, the Palestinian Authority released 45 Hamas detainees who were being held in its West Bank jails without trial, a PA security source said.

LAST WORD: Your mainstream media in action...
-- GAZA (Reuters) -- Rival Palestinian factions have so far failed to overcome obstacles in reconciliation talks which they hope will lead to a unified governing body for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, officials said on Friday.
Obstacles? Not agreeing on contractual language is an obstacle.

I think these guys are way past "obstacles"...
Just before midnight, a Hamas activist was thrown off the 12th floor of a building, security officials said.