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04 March 2009

Honour, Duty, Country

It seems these days, in certain circles... that just saying those words out loud is enough to make you an object of public derision.

It certainly wasn't always that way.

Soldiers, once upon a time were heroes. Pretending that you were combat capable, fighting your country's enemies... was once a staple of any young boy's (yes, I'm dating myself) life.

But all that has changed, hasn't it? Even police officers... the thin blue line that stands between Joe Lunchbucket and Funky Junkie... are now, in many parts of the country, considered the enemy.

Well... not to me.

I sometimes try to imagine, what kind of inner fortitude it takes to walk down that road knowing that people would like nothing more than to put a bullet in your brain. Moreover... to do it again and again.

Well... there are three more honourable, dutiful Canadian soldiers who aren't gonna be able to share that story.
Warrant Officer Dennis Raymond Brown, Cpl. Dany Fortin and Cpl. Kenneth O'Quinn were killed Tuesday evening when a roadside bomb detonated during a patrol in Arghandab District, about 10 kilometres northwest of Kandahar City.
They will be remembered.


RELATED: And, of course, there's the...

...usual disagreeable, dishonourable quislings...
But you know what really pisses me off?

This sort of drivel on the left, exemplified so perfectly by Dr. Dawg's response to Harper's interview, which I paraphrase as: "Ha ha! Harper admitted we're losing! The Taliban are winning!"

"Take that, Terry Glavin!"
I fear for my country.


I try to send a message to the troops on the forces website once a week. I notice that there are fewer and fewer messages and not tons from Quebec.

Please send a brief message (a paragraph or even a couple of phrases are all that's needed) to encourage our guys and gals.