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23 March 2009

Here comes the science

Your tax dollars... their "homeless friends"...
-- TORONTO -- The city is giving $100 pre-paid Visa cards to people who agree to pretend they're homeless when Toronto conducts its needs assessment of those without shelter.

In an e-mail sent out last week to different social agencies and individuals, city employee Monica Waldman said they are looking for "tons" of people to sign up to be "decoys" on April 15, the night scheduled for the city's second homeless head count.

"As a decoy, you would need to come to a 30-minute training session and then be deployed to various sites throughout the city where you will wait to be approached by the research volunteers."
Just another brainwave from "His Blondeness" and the "skeet-shooting causes crime" department at City Hall.

Now stop stalling... just pay your tax bill and shut up.


RELATED: As an added bonus, the Xbox Solution...

...will do away with War and NASCAR too...
Don't miss the comment about Klingon battle swords.

"Mentall-ill", indeed.


LAST WORD: Can't resist a well-turned phrase
"I was sure that I'd have more to say on Michael Coren's show last week than I did when I agreed to do CBC Newsworld's Sunday morning current affairs program a couple of years ago, just after the death of Anna Nicole Smith, where I apparently outraged the female host by suggesting that Smith had unhappily filled a "whore-shaped hole" in the culture."

"Note to self: don't quote Pascal on national television."
(via ffof)