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16 March 2009

Eve of Destruction

"What we've been seeing in recent weeks is truly apocalyptic warnings from the analysts, which suggest that that is now a live possibility. The Pakistani government seems unable to control its own military or intelligence people. The tribal areas are already a failed state and a safe haven for terrorists.

A British diplomat said that British and American intelligence experts have concluded that while Pakistan used to be blamed for destabilising Afghanistan, the process has now been reversed and risks plunging the nuclear power into lethal chaos.

"The situation in Pakistan is extremely dangerous," he said. "I would say it's very grave. I think Pakistan faces a mortal threat, not from India, but from domestic terrorism."
Yeah... who could have possibly seen that coming?


RELATED: Relax... "The One" will make it right
“ -- KABUL -- 'If you wait for 3,000 years, our position is that the Taliban will not enter into any kind of talks in the presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan,' Taliban spokesman Qari Yousuf Ahmadi told the Pakistan-based AIP news agency today."
Bin-Laden is a hair away from getting his own nuclear-armed Islamic state.

Why on earth would Osama sit down and parlay with the Great Satan... before he wins the big prize?
