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12 March 2009

Count your blessings, Gomer

Under the previous regime... "step one" would have been... "put a blowtorch to his balls."

And, trust me Protest Boy, it would have gone downhill from there.


RELATED: Canada 1 - Jihadis 0
An Ottawa bomb builder today became the first man to be sentenced under Canada's post-9/11 laws as a judge meted out a 10 1/2-year sentence against Mohammad Momin Khawaja.

The 29-year-old Pakistani-Canadian who built a detonator for a British cell of al-Qaeda-inspired extremists was sentenced under Canada's controversial Anti-Terrorism Act, passed just months after the 9/11 attacks in the United States.
Unfortunately the sentence falls far short of what his Brit pals received...
Members of the British cell were sentenced to life in prison in 2007.
Oh well, ten years is better than nothing.
