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01 March 2009

C'mon... let's be honest...

...does anybody actually have anything good to say about Cubeville...
No more of the now hopelessly feminized modern office, with its endless time-sucking birthday parties and goodbye parties and welcome parties and Christmas parties and "let's show total strangers what my uterus looks like" parties.

Not to mention all the time off granted to this one to try on her wedding dress or that one to go home to blow her baby's nose.

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to choose between your childrens' crooked teeth and your childrens' crooked minds.
I can actually give myself "the willies" thinking about my last couple of office gigs.

The only redeeming feature, besides the regular paycheque... were the intermittently spaced "tech meltdowns"... where we got to spring into action and fix all the broken bits.
