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07 February 2009

Sorry folks, that IS the punch-line

"So... a man walks into a chaotic, deeply divided, nuclear armed quasi-theocracy that's on the verge of societal collapse..."
-- ISLAMABAD -- Almost a year after elections were held in Pakistan, which restored democracy after more than eight years of military rule, growing Islamist violence, a crisis of governance and an economy in a tailspin threatens this key Western ally with collapse.

Critics say the Pakistani government is gripped with paralysis, as patronage, not policy, occupies Islamabad under President Asif Zardari. Some see echoes of the last period of civilian rule in Pakistan, between 1988 and 1999, when a series of floundering governments were repeatedly toppled by the army amid allegations of massive corruption and misrule.
There's even a lesson in here for King Iggy and his erstwhile pals...
A coalition central government led by Mr. Zardari's Pakistan People's Party is made up of an unwieldy 70 ministers from four different political parties – ranging from the secular to reputed Taliban sympathizers.
Yeah... who could have possibly seen this coming?

Obviously not the "Canadian Broadcast Standards Council".


LAST WORD: Shutting down the debate..., not in some third world backwater... at Canadian universities.
