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26 February 2009

Okay Dawg... wind up the squirrels...

...'cos I just wanna hear how this is gonna be a bad thing for Canada.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Don't bogart that joint...
"Zorpheus says... Under this new law, is Neo guilty of First Degree Murder? Well on the surface I would have to say yes?"
Geez, Zorph... is that what they're teaching at "imaginary law school" these days?

P.S. -- Take heart, Zee... the good news is that Hedy Fry is completely on board... in her own inimitable, totally made-up way.


UPDATE: Bad news, Zorph...

...apparently your fuzzy-bunny socialist pals want to bring back "flogging & keel-hauling"...
The NDP and the Liberals charged that the Conservatives are not going far enough by promising to elevate all gang-killings to first-degree murder, to create a criminal offence for drive-by shootings, and to introduce new penalties for attacks on police.
Oh, the huge manatee!


LAST WORD: "Oops there goes another..."
A man was killed on Thursday night in a shooting outside the York Civic Centre in the city’s west end.

Authorities were called to the scene at 2700 Eglinton Ave. W. between Keele Street and Black Creek Drive, at about 7 p.m. after reports of gunshots being fired. The man was found dead inside an SUV outside of the building, police said.