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06 February 2009

Obama initiative becoming clearer

Apparently... he'd "like to buy the world a Coke"...
In a way, the President tied his administration's own hands, requiring the dropping of the charges.

The executive order President Obama signed on closing the Guantanamo Detention Facilities states that "all proceedings" in the US Military Commissions must be "halted".

UPDATE: So... Mr President... your new buddies... do you like them now?
UN body suspends aid after Hamas steals 200 tons of supplies, including flour, basic commodities.

It was the second time this week that Hamas stole UN supplies transferred to the Gaza Strip for impoverished Palestinians.

LAST WORD: Obama's head spook...

...admits he lied about Bush/Cheney torture allegations...
-- WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- President Barack Obama's pick to head the CIA retreated on Friday from a charge that the United States sent terrorism suspects to other countries so they could be tortured under questioning.