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21 February 2009

Dear Dumbass Steve Paikin

I bet you wish you were as smart as me... 

yours truly, Warren


UPDATE: Jonathan Kay weighs in...

"Now, it turns out there's another reason to respect Paikin: He stands up to windbag bullies who attempt to censor his show — even windbag bullies who work for Michael Ignatieff and try to pull strings with higher-up in the Ontario government."
LAST WORD: Steve Paikin spanks the K-Man
"Later that same day, I received another email from Warren informing me that he was emailing the Minister of Education to ask her to pressure us to “unbook” Kathy Shaidle, and that if we didn’t, there would be significant consequences for TVO and The Agenda.

He did, indeed, email the Minister." "Well, now we’ve got a different story, right? Now, it’s no longer a story about the appropriateness of our choosing Kathy to appear on the program."

"Now it’s a story about a well known Liberal Party operative threatening us (with what? We didn’t know) unless we did what he said."