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09 February 2009

Crime-fighting NDP government...

...goes with the ol' "cross my heart and hope to die" initiative...
In what may be the first mention of bear spray in a Throne Speech, the NDP government recently vowed to "limit access to animal repellants, which in the past have been used in burglaries and assaults."
I guess there's a more honourable class of criminals out west... if this is actually an effective solution.
And as of Jan. 1, the province mandated all bear-spray vendors to acquire a licence and record each customer who buys the substance. Most retailers had already required customers to sign a declaration saying they would only use the spray in case of a dog or bear attack.
We've had bear spray around "the halls" since we moved up here in 2001.

Of course... we also have an actual bear denned up at the back of our property. And PETA be damned... if they do actually prohibit access to this stuff here... we'll just break out the pump gun and get us a rug outta the deal.

Funny... the word "taser" just jumped into my head.


"That's interesting. The word 'taser' pops into my head whenever someone mentions 'NDP'."

RELATED: Mayor's office strangely silent...

...on which gun club they belonged to...
Two Toronto high school students are facing charges after police found a loaded gun near a school property in East York. Authorities allege one of the accused was in possession of a loaded revolver while the other student was found in breach of court-imposed conditions.

The 14-year-old boys can't be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act but both are scheduled to appear at a Jarvis Street youth court Tuesday morning.

LAST WORD: Okay... everybody just settle down...'s not like they tasered him.
