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18 February 2009

Corruption deja vu... all over again

Maybe there's a reason 3 of the last 7 Illinois governors have ended up in the "Crowbar Motel"...
-- CHICAGO (AP) -- At a City Club of Chicago luncheon Wednesday, a fiery Burris asked guests to stop the rush to judgment.

"If I had done the things I been accused of, I would be too embarrassed to stand up here in front of you because you all are my friends," Burris said, adding that during his decades of public service there was "never a hint of a scandal."

Burris then said he would no longer speak with the media.

UPDATE: Legislators investigate Burris "perjury"
-- CHICAGO -- State and local records show that at least 10 names are missing from a list of lobbying clients U.S. Sen. Roland Burris has given to Illinois legislators.

But a review by The (Springfield) State Journal-Register found that Burris' list doesn't match records kept by the Illinois secretary of state, the Cook County clerk or the Chicago Board of Ethics.

Under oath last month, Burris, through Wright, said he'd give a complete list of his lobbying firm's clients.
Yeah... nominated by the guy you just impeached.

Who could have seen that coming, huh?
