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13 February 2009

Call me wacky...

...but how many "non-agitated" people do you suppose the police have to taser every year?P.S. -- For the record, it was a political appointee, a career bureaucrat with no police experience whatsoever... who wants to back off on using tasers.

Actual line cops are just shaking their heads in disbelief.


RELATED: Never a taser around...

...when you need one...
Two young people were injured after they were apparently pushed in front of a train at a downtown subway station, police say. Emergency crews were called to Dufferin station where the "young men" were found on the tracks around 4:45 p.m., Toronto Police Sgt. John Dubreuil said.

A 50-year-old man has been taken into custody for questioning, according to police.