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21 January 2009

"Uh, no pressure, dude"

What pisses me off is how grateful all these expats sound, how relieved they are they can finally stop pretending they’re Canadian.

I’m not grateful; frankly I profoundly resent the implication that my own personal worth has anything whatsoever to do with who half the American voters chose.

I have to be honest with you, at this point, I almost feel sorry for the guy.

Whenever I had a few minutes today to surf the news, all I saw were articles about Obama Fever and the high expectations and how he is going to FIX EVERYTHING TOMORROW.

"Frankly I'd be much more suprised if France elected a Jewish leader, or Quebec elected anyone but some white francophone. Heck half the time I am suprised when Europeans elect a woman as leader considering the behaviour of many of the ones I have met while on my travels."