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04 January 2009

There's a reason...

...nobody ever refers to Taliban Jack as a "political chessmaster"...
It was Layton who suffered most.

First, he had a chance to do the Liberals in and replace them as the default selection on the left had he gone along with the Tories' plan to end public funding to parties.

Next to the Tories, the NDP have the best chance of replacing public handouts with private donations. Layton could have crippled the Liberals, instead he tried to vault himself into cabinet by riding into power as the Liberals' shotgun.

With the revealing of the coalition, Layton was also exposed as a self-serving opportunist with no compunction about making a deal with separatists, even weeks before the Tories lit the match on the crisis.
(via blue like you)


RELATED: The self-trumpeted genius of Jacko
“This whole thing would not have happened if the moves hadn’t been made with the Bloc a long time ago and locked them in early.”
Those six seats in a Stephane Dion cabinet were so close he could taste them.

So sad.


LAST WORD: Poor Jacko has early-onset Alzheimers
"Not one word of the coalition. Not one mention of Stephane Dion and the Liberals, or of working with Michael Ignatieff."

"Jack Layton says that NDP supporters ought to "think about what we'd like to see in the year ahead", and yet it doesn't appear that Jack Layton is thinking about the coalition."