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18 January 2009

Of course...

...the viability of the cease-fire depends on a bunch of guys who strap explosives to their kids...
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared Operation Cast Lead a victory Saturday night and threw the ball into Hamas's court, declaring a unilateral cease-fire that suspends the three-week operation, whose future depends on whether Hamas continues to fire on Israel.

According to what was decided Saturday night, Israel will stop its offensive, but will keep the IDF forces in place, see how Hamas responds and whether an effective mechanism will be set up on the border to stop smuggling.

If so, then discussions will begin on withdrawing the troops. If not, the operation will continue.
Okay HAMAS... your move.


UPDATE: And the Globe spin machine revs up
-- GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Hamas offered Israel an immediate weeklong truce Sunday, HOURS AFTER Israel silenced its guns and grounded its aircraft, but the Palestinian group conditioned long-term quiet on a complete Israeli withdrawal from the territory.
So how exactly does this work?

Israel implements a unilateral ceasefire... but the media decides to frame it as a HAMAS initiative... conditional, of course, on Israel accepting the terrorist's latest demands.

Wake up, folks... and smell the propaganda.
