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20 January 2009


Being out and about today... getting cars and computers back on their respective highways... I missed the most egregious moments of the all-too-predictable media slobberfest about this most miraculous of days.

And tonight, a mere 10 minutes of CTV gush-master Lloyd Robertson convinced me that I had indeed made the smart choice.

Strangely enough... the best line I've heard about the BIG DAY came from last nights Jon Stewart show... "Obama's inaugural speech is gonna make the "Gettysberg Address" look like a series of simian grunts."

I know it was supposed to be mocking the media freakout... but it captured the flavour of the day so perfectly.


"It was hard to avoid. Even the sports channels had it. Apparently, nothing happened at all in the world yesterday other than the coronation."

LAST WORD: Take me now, Lord...
"I wanted to pick a very optimistic color, that had sunshine," she said. "I wanted her to feel charmed, and in that way would charm everybody."