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25 January 2009

The next best thing... having Steffi driving that Big Red Bus...
Opposition parties are threatening to vote down this week's much-anticipated Conservative budget because it contains a potentially contentious proposal to permanently slash taxes for middle-class Canadians.
Yeah... holy crap... who'd be in favour of that?

But hey... it gets better... "they stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast"...
Meanwhile, NDP Leader Jack Layton said Sunday that he is still in talks with his Liberal counterpart, Michael Ignatieff, about toppling the Tories this week and installing an opposition government, which would be supported by the Bloc Quebecois.

"We have stayed in touch, and I think there is a fundamental desire for change and optimism," Layton told Question Period.
Yeah Jacko... you keep tellin' yourself that.


RELATED: Uh-huh, it's a conservative thing... wouldn't understand...
Sen. John McCain said he plans to vote against President Obama's economic stimulus plan, expressing frustration with a lack of bipartisanship in crafting the $825 billion package and leaving open the chance of a filibuster unless more tax breaks are included.

"We expect such idiocy from Jack Layton, but if Iggy's pretending to be a Canadian for a while, he's not doing a very good job of it."