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17 January 2009

“Meanwhile, from planet Klein…”

Many years ago a gentleman of Albanian background shot and killed a Kodiak bear in Toronto’s old Riverdale zoo. He had nothing against bears, he explained later, but walking past the bear pit one day he heard the bears talking about taking over the world.

The big Kodiak was their ringleader.

RELATED: Yeah, HAMAS... let's talk indiscriminate killing...

First they came... for the streetcleaners
A witness named Shamsullah described a chaotic scene immediately following the blast. He said several Kabul city workers who were cleaning the road were killed. He said he saw four or five people wounded in the road, crying for help.

A Taliban spokesman later claimed credit for the attack, saying the bomber was targeting vehicles believed to be carrying German officers.
Once again... the capricious and unknowable "Will of Allah."
