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02 January 2009

Last night's CTV Moonbat Moment

Never let it be said the compassionate, progressive crew at CTV isn't prepared to go that extra mile for the cause.

In an amazing coincidence, truly worthy of an episode of "The Trouble with Tracey"... reporter Paul Bliss caught up with Premier McSlippery... wait for it... at a local food bank.

Wow... talk about generosity.

The most interesting part of the schmooze-fest... for me anyway... was when Dalton did a little song & dance about how important it was to him to go out and chop down his own Christmas tree. He was very adamant he just wouldn't buy one off a lot anymore.

Yeah, buddy... you're one regular guy.

Mrs Neo did however, have one question... "Does this mean he's gonna go out and shoot his own Thanksgiving turkey?"

Gotta tell ya, I'd pay money to see that.


RELATED: The question CTV forgot to ask...
A 36-year-old leukemia patient who fought the Ontario government to have a stem-cell transplant funded in the United States won her case - but died before she was able to obtain the treatment, prompting calls for an investigation.

Valerie Niles's last few hours of life were spent in an Ottawa hospital bed with her mother's hand on her heart until its final beat on the clear, cold morning of Dec. 22.

Her death marked the end of an 11-month battle with acute myeloid leukemia, but also with government. Ms. Niles and her oncologists garnered a coveted spot for a special stem-cell transplant treatment in Seattle; she was accepted, but the Ontario Health Insurance Plan refused to fund it in August.