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18 January 2009


I've just run across the Canadian equivalent of full-fledged Oba-mania at the Globe & Mail... as illustrated by this slobbery paean to the Puffin Party...
"But he made no mention of the Liberal—NDP coalition that is supposedly still waiting in the wings to take power if Stephen Harper's government does not survive a budget vote."
Funny... uber-journalist Campbell Clark seems to have forgotten that there was a third partner in this unholy alliance.

Poor ol' Gilles is mysteriously left out... yet again.

So Campbell, I have only one question... "Exactly how many whiskies does it take to get that taste outta yer mouth?"

Hope, Change... and oops... silly me.


UPDATE: Let the Moonbattery commence...

The CTV affiliate in Ottawa just publicly wet their journalistic pants... leading off with obsequious coverage of... "the party for one of the MOST IMPORTANT MOMENTS IN HISTORY!"


The discovery of germ theory? Nuclear fission? Putting a man on the moon?

They've all been superceded?

Well... thanks for letting us know.
