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07 January 2009

I wonder if anybody in France...

...has made the connection between "grab your ankles" appeasement... and their annual New Years Day CAR-B-Q.

Thank goodness I live in Canada.
Canada's junior foreign minister, Peter Kent, said that despite sketchy details on the school strike, it is clear that Hamas “bears the full responsibility for the deepening humanitarian tragedy.

“We really don't have complete details yet, other than the fact that we know that Hamas has made a habit of using civilians and civilian infrastructure as shields for their terrorist activities, and that would seem to be the case again today,” he said in an interview.'
This sort of thing will continue to happen as HAMAS sets up and fires their mortars and rockets in civilian venues... hoping to draw deadly retaliation.

Fortunately, the only people in this country dumb enough buy into this vile ploy are folks like uber-socialist Sid Ryan.

The government is made of sterner stuff...
“Canada believes there should be an immediate ceasefire, but only if it's a permanent ceasefire, if it's a durable ceasefire, and if Hamas is prevented or is willing not to rearm and resume its terrorist rocketing at some point down the road.”
Time to take a stand folks.
