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09 January 2009

I think I speak for all Canadians...

...when I say, "When do we get our hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars back?"
-- OTTAWA -- The CBC's French-language broadcaster says it "got the message loud and clear" after more than 1,300 people complained about a New Year's Eve show that told racial jokes about Barack Obama and labelled Stephen Harper a "lobotomy on legs."
Sylvain Lafrance, executive vice-president of CBC/Radio Canada French Services seems to think folks are just too darn sensitive...
"On the one hand, you have the creators' inspiration, on the other, the unwritten boundaries that vary from one person or social group to the next."
Well, Sylvain... let's pick that one apart.

Here's a little of that "inspiration"...
In one sketch, comedian Jean-Francois Mercier says having a black person in the White House "will make it much easier to shoot him" thanks to the colour contrast.

The skit also features a mock interviewer saying all blacks look alike and asking an actor who plays Obama whether black men have large genitalia.
I think I'm starting to understand all that argle-bargle about "unique culture."
