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27 January 2009

Dumber than...

...a bag of hummus...
An Israeli soldier has been killed and three others injured in a bomb attack on their patrol near the border with Gaza, the Israeli army has said.

Israeli troops entered Gaza backed by helicopters in response and one Palestinian was killed, medics said.

Israel has closed the border crossings into Gaza because of the attack on the patrol, Israeli officials said, stopping the flow of aid supplies to Gaza's 1.5 million residents.
"Live and DON'T learn"... that's HAMAS.


RELATED: Think it couldn't happen here?
(via sda)


LAST WORD: Well, ya gotta have priorities
In his first formal interview - granted to an Arab television network - the American leader said his job is also to show Americans that people in the Muslim world simply want to live their lives and make better lives for their children.
Well Barack, I've gotta say that... as much as I agreed with the decision... pouring tens of thousands of American soldiers into Afghanistan might just be seen here as sending a mixed message.
