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15 January 2009

Dear Donna... that's not "support"...

...that's a Chuck Norris movie......
Yesterday, TDSB executive superintendent Donna Quan told the Sun there will be no officer at the school this year.

The community consultations, held sometime between the mid-November stabbing and Dec. 15, were held at three schools in the area including C.W. Jefferys, she said, adding there was 150 to 200 people at the meeting.

"There will be a group who will say, 'Yes, we do need them,' " Quan said. "Based on consultation, the general consensus is "ANOTHER FORM OF SUPPORT" would be better or would be needed."
So Donna, lemme see if I'm reading you here. That other "form of support"... it's prepared to go toe-to-toe with pistol-packin' gangbangers?
While board officials stress C.W. Jefferys is a safe school, it has been the site of a murder, a stabbing and, as an investigation by lawyer Julian Falconer revealed, an alleged gang sexual assault.
Just another day in the neighbourhood, huh?

Hey, I hear they're gonna change the school motto to... "We don' need no steenkin' badges".

Oh well... as long as it's not my kid on the chopping block.
