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05 December 2008

Well, that was interesting

No idea how many other folks were affected... but from about mid-day on yesterday, until this morning... I was unable to access "the halls."

It's a little disturbing... how disturbing that was. I've been doing this now for a little over two years and it has become a regular part of my daily routine.

I'm under no illusion that I'm actually putting a dent in the everyday madness I see all around me... but I've come, for the most part, to enjoy sticking my oar in... and hearing from the people who regularly drop by.

It occurs to me... it would be hard to give it up.

Anyway... it appears as though I'm coming down with some nasty chest cold... Mrs. Neo tells me it's only the third time I've been sick since she's known me... so I may decide to take a bit of a rest today anyway.

Funny how that works.
