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08 December 2008

Unfortunately, in Afghanistan...

...there are no "good old days"...
The body of first Afghan President Mohammad Daud Khan has been identified three decades after he was killed in a Communist coup, officials say. The discovery was made by members of a government-appointed commission during excavation at a military base outside the capital, Kabul.

Correspondents say that many Afghans see Mr Khan's murder as one of their country's darkest days, because it was followed by 10 years of Soviet occupation, civil war and the rise of the Taleban, who themselves were toppled by US-led troops in 2001.
And I'm guessing there is no Afghan equivalent for the phrase "happily ever after"...
It is estimated that about two million people have been killed since the 1978 coup and more than six million have fled the country.
You think they'd be more than ready for a little break... but, for whatever reason, apparently that's not the case.
