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02 December 2008

Under a Layton-Duceppe-Dion...

...coalition government -- Dizzy Lizzy wins cash for life...
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May is endorsing the proposed coalition government and says she has spoken with Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion about the possibility of her being appointed to the Senate.
Looks like ol' Steffi is gonna pay off his political markers... instead of his outstanding leadership campaign debt.

And the poor Greens find out what Elizabeth May is really made of.

All courtesy of you... the taxpayer.


CONFIRMED: Dion throws open vault doors...

...Greens to get Senate seat... and unspecified INFLUENCE?

Not a single elected Member of Parliament and now the Greens will be pulling levers of power?
"She told reporters she has had discussions with Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion, NDP Leader Jack Layton and Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe about possible roles for the Green Party."
I guess we now know what Lizzie May's price is. Makes you wonder what Prime Minister Steffi has promised to the Separatistes... you know... the people who are actually making this whole thing possible...
Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said it appears the coalition has made side deals that were not part of the written accord.

"Mr. Dion never got from the Canadian electorate a mandate to be Prime Minister and now we see him doing back door deals," he told CTV Newsnet, when asked about Ms. May's comments.
The more we hear about this little hootenanny... THE MORE IT STINKS.


"Do ya think Lizzie, oinking her way to trough, will stop long enough to send out Christmas cards with a personal thank you note to all the party members for their support?"