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04 December 2008

Remember that old commercial...

...where people would crack open a tub of margarine... and it would blurt out the word "butter"? It never really made any kind of sense at all... but I guess that's not what matters. Apparently, for a commercial to be effective, it merely requires repetition. The more times you hear the thing, no matter how inane, the more it inevitably affects the decision-making process.

I guess that's also the reasoning behind the unrelenting and unashamed media bias at CTV and the CBC.

Anyway... I just finished listening to CBC radio bemoaning the Governor General's decision to agree to proroguing the current session of Parliament. It was not a reasoned discussion, but rather a tedious litany of socialist approbation, featuring ex-dipper and current liberal leadership hopeful Bob Rae and the ancient pinko mariner of the NDP himself... Ed "Imagine All The People" Broadbent.

The icing on the cake though, had to be the Globe & Mail's Lawrence Martin... who while characterising Steffi and his newest, bestest buddy Gilles Duceppe as merely "angry"... in the next breath, excoriated the Prime Minister as being "venomous."

It's just another example of the Oprah-fication of our everyday lives.

And don't discount it as a minor matter.

It just elected the most powerful man in the entire world.
