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01 December 2008

Once upon a time

In 1925, then Prime Minister Mackenzie King formed a minority Liberal government.

In 1926, he was defeated on a confidence motion whereupon he went to Governor General Lord Byng and sought dissolution of Parliament and an election writ. Byng refused and called upon Tory leader Arthur Meighen to form a government, which he did.

It lasted a week, Meighen lost a confidence motion and an election ensued which was fought by King on the basis that Lord Byng was wrong.

King was returned with a majority.

FROM THE COMMENTS: The Saint Obama factor
"Just saw a heated exchange on CBC Newsworld Morning between Pierre Polieve and news anchor Heather Hiscox. Hiscox was outraged that Polieve could call Duceppe a separatist."

"And throughout the entire interview, she was combative, sounding more like a Liberal spokesperson than a news anchor."
The CBC... a taxpayer funded arm of the Liberal Party of Canada.
