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06 December 2008

Not to rain on anybody's parade...

...but from the polling I've seen... isn't this sort of like being a traveling cholera salesman?
"Rae wants to get out there and show caucus that he's the guy that can sell this coalition and hold it together, and that sets him up as a contrast to Michael Ignatieff, who is lukewarm to the deal at best."
I guess I'm beginning to see why these guys all think Iggy's the smart one.


RELATED: A kinder, gentler Coalition government?
Where, I wondered, was Michaƫlle Jean? Perhaps Mr. Harper had left her hog-tied in the basement of Rideau Hall while he forged her signature on official documents.

Mr. Rae went on to swear that, no matter what's in next month's stimulus budget, his coalition will never, never, never be stimulated to co-operate with Mr. Harper, because Mr. Harper is a lying liar who can't be trusted.

So much for the spirit of compromise and conciliation in a time of national crisis.