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20 December 2008

"Migawd is there anything drearier..."

"...on earth than militant feminism."

"Not quite on topic, but, during the thought police episode, I had a chat with my daughter who went to Queens in the early 90s. She told me that one of the best essays she ever wrote came back with every single 'he' circled in red ink."

"Every single one."

"She was scolded by the marxist-feminist prof and told to use the gender-neutral, but ugly and unpronouncable, s/he."

"Fair enough, I suppose, except .... the essay was about Gulliver's Travels."

"I remember strolling the campus of Queens, my alma mater as well as your daughter's. I was approached by some well meaning yet naive folks with a clip board who told me they were doing a survey for the University and asked me if I had ever witnessed racism or discrimination on campus."

"'Indeed,' I replied."

"Their happy young faces beamed at the news."

"I continued. 'There is a disturbing amount of discrimination practiced by the University itself as well as the government of Canada. It is against men, especially caucasian ones'."