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15 December 2008

Just another reason why

You want my advice... get out... before it's too late...

After Theresa Bascombe heard several loud bangs near her home Saturday night, she didn’t expect to see her 12-year-old son standing at the front door with a bullet hole in his right thigh and blood streaming down his leg.

His mother said she was shocked when she saw him. “I was very terrified,” she said. “His other friend said after they ran, the men ran away laughing, before driving away in a car.”
Shooting pre-adolescent kids... for sport.

I got nuthin'.


RELATED: In other Hogtown shoot & slash news...
A young woman was stabbed this afternoon at the Kennedy subway station. The woman, who is believed to be about 16 years old, was slashed across the forehead and in the neck at around 4 p.m. She has been transported to the Hospital for Sick Children for treatment. She is in stable condition.

Police are looking for a 17-year-old female suspect. The platform was busy at the time and police say they are looking for eyewitnesses."