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17 December 2008

"CRIME IS DOWN!!!"... screams MSM

Except, of course... where it isn't...
"The glaring exception is the tally of gun incidents."
Oh yeah, that... those pesky little "incidents" and "occurrences".
As of Monday morning there had been at least 236 occurrences, an 18-per-cent increase over last year. Still more striking is the number of people shot: 336, compared with 237, a rise of almost 42 per cent.
But, but, but... Mayor Super Dave is chasing all of the gun clubs out of Toronto... how can this be?

And what about the Chretien Mafia's infamous 2 billion dollar "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry"?

Hey... does this mean we get our money back?


"There's something wrong with my gun. Everytime I unlock the safe and tell it to go get me some venison for the freezer, all it does is sit there."

"Am I doing something wrong?"

RELATED: "If only we had..."
..."more social workers".

LAST WORD: Speaking of criminals...
