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08 December 2008

Bob Rae's real life "Alamo"

Sorry, Boob... I'm thinkin' the Iggy train has already left the station...
"We need more of them to join us – especially in the places where our support has been declining. I favour a 308-riding strategy, not a 76-person vote. I have spoken out for using our race as a chance to grow this party; a closed caucus vote would take it in the opposite direction."

"Let's urge everyone in a position to influence this to put a stop to this hasty, ill-considered idea before it goes any further. I urge you to contact your nearest Liberal Member of Parliament, and any of the following, to let them know how you feel about this attempt to take away your vote."
So, Bob... it's okay to disenfranchise all the people who voted for the Conservatives... but you're somehow exempt when your buddy Iggy tries to pull the same dark deal on you?

Funny how that works...
"Bob Rae is pushing hard for an online/phone voting scheme to select the next Liberal Party leader before the end of January. Such a scheme would not cost the Liberal Party all that much."

"On the other hand, it is not likely that the Liberals could successfully pull it off."
(h/t reader rich)