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06 December 2008

Bob Rae thinks he's Horatio Nelson...

...and Iggy seems to be channeling Sgt Shultz from Hogan's Heroes... so it's up to former Liberal cabinet minister John Manley to inject a little reality into the debate...
"As a Liberal, I believe the first step for my party is to replace Stephane Dion as leader with someone whose first job is to rebuild the Liberal Party, rather than leading a coalition with the NDP," Manley writes in an opinion piece due to be published in Saturday's Globe and Mail.

"The notion that the public would accept Stephane Dion as prime minister, after having resoundingly rejected that possibility a few weeks earlier, was delusional at best."

"Mr. Dion had seemed to accept responsibility for the defeat (although somewhat reluctantly), and should have left his post immediately," writes Manley.
Yeeeouch... that's gonna leave a mark.

Read the whole thing.
