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13 December 2008

Just watched Mike Duffy...

...and Hanoi Jane Taber pontificating on the demise of the magic coalition. The best moment had to be when Duffy said... "The liberals are so screwed up, they're stabbing each other in the front."
This week, the once explosive notion of a coalition is a shimmer in some phantom zone of yesterday's politics. No one who had anything to do with it wants to admit it's dead. They want it to fade away all on its own.

If it wasn't for that signing ceremony and the wonderfully retentive powers of videotape, I'd almost bet some of its backers would deny it ever existed.

There won't be any more rallies for the coalition. It was the fevered product of a moment's opportunism, a political house of cards.

Five years from now, it'll be a good question for Trivial Pursuit.