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13 December 2008

Another 36 million taxpayer dollars...

...right down the shitter...
-- OTTAWA -- Canada's border cops began a sweep of northern Ontario earlier this year to catch some of the 1,973 criminals who've apparently gone underground to avoid being kicked out of the country.

Newly disclosed documents show the pilot project was launched last April as the Canada Border Services Agency came under pressure from a cabinet minister to root out more unwanted visitors and send them packing.
And the 2000 criminals are just the tip of the iceberg.
The agency already removes about 12,000 people from Canada a year, the vast majority of whom are failed refugee claimants, at an annual cost of about $36.3-million. About 1,700 are criminals or people considered a security threat.

But another 40,000 people subject to removal warrants have simply disappeared — including 1,973 who are criminals or threats to security, says an internal agency report from March.
Oh Canada.


RELATED: I suppose it could be worse...
“Raghu said he needed to raise a million for Rod to make sure Jesse got the seat,” an unidentified source who attended the meeting told the Tribune. Mr. Blagojevich also attended the meeting, which was sponsored by Mr. Nayak, an Oak Brook businessman.