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05 November 2008

You'd think farmers...

...and folks out in rural Hastings County would be able to smell the McSlippery bullshit... but apparently that's just not the case...
A nurse practitioner-led clinic for Belleville has been vetoed by the province.
The irony here, of course, is that our MPP is Leona Dombrowsky, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs...
"No matter where you look or how you measure it, we appear to have a very high number of people in Ontario with no nurse practitioner or doctor and Belleville is certainly one of the worst hit areas," said nurse practitioner Samantha Dalby, one of the prime movers behind the clinic.

"Belleville and Hastings County compete with Northern Ontario and only three other counties in southern Ontario for the worst access in the province."
Funny... the way the Fiberals were promoting these clinics, when they were initially loudly trumpeted in the local media... you'd have sworn they were god's gift to Hastings Cty.

Looks like it was just another scam to get votes. Gotta hand it to Dalton... he knows how to play the game.

Let Leona know how you feel.
