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25 November 2008

You have got to be...

...shittin' me...Does this mean "tay-sachs" and "sickle cell anemia" are off the list too?


"What about breast cancer?"

ASK AN ACTUAL DOCTOR: Our newest feature at "the halls"
"You know the more I think of this the angrier it makes me. I personally think that the Alumni should seriously punish these little "socialists" by holding out all donations until they agree to go out and spend a day with a few teens with Cystic Fibrosis."

LAST WORD: Behold... an academic Jonestown

Fortunately, not everybody drank the diversity kool-ade...
Two people voted against his motion, including third-year student Nick Bergamini.

“They're trying to score cheap points by playing politics with a disease,” Mr. Bergamini said Tuesday night. “What's important to note that this does not represent what Carleton students are about. If it's going to be a black mark on anybody, it should be the student union.”