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08 November 2008

Two out of three... ain't bad

So far, he's pissed off the Iranians AND the Russians as well as crapping on Nancy Reagan... not bad for a guy who doesn't even take office for another two months...
US President-elect Barack Obama has not given a commitment to go ahead with plans to build part of a US missile defence system in Poland, an aide says.

He was speaking after Polish President Lech Kaczynski's office said a pledge had been made during a phone conversation between the two men. But Mr Obama's foreign policy adviser, Denis McDonough, denied this.

Russia opposes the US scheme and has announced plans to deploy missiles on Poland's border as a counter-measure.

UPDATE: Honeymoon with Iran is over
Iranian state radio said Mr. Obama's position was a replay of Mr. Bush's hard-line stance toward Tehran. It said this will dampen Iranian expectations for changes in U.S. foreign policy with the new administration.

The radio warned Mr. Obama “will betray the vote of the American people if he fails to bring back rationalism to the White House.”