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13 November 2008

Torontonians breathe a sigh of relief... problem of nasty, criminal gun violence solved once and for all...
Ward 30 (Toronto-Danforth) Councillor Paula Fletcher said she's happy that the bar's owners decided to remove the mural. "I asked them to consider just painting over the gun or painting over the whole mural," said Fletcher, adding that a new one would likely be painted by the spring.

"I was very pleased that they reacted so quickly. People in the neighbourhood don't really want a big, swaggering John Wayne mural with a gun when there's a gun shootout in the community."
Congratulations, Paula... I just wanna know why someone didn't think of this in time to prevent this terrible crime.


FROM THE COMMENTS: More timeless wisdom...

...from the "Rainman School of Social Justice."

Yeah... that really showed him, huh? Let's go dig up Yonge St. where Jane Creba was murdered too.

"As long as we are in the spirit of using govt oversite to rid us of distasteful items from bars... I want them to force every bar owner in Toronto to remove Heineken advertising because the red star reminds me of the horrors of communism."