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04 November 2008

Somebody help me out here

If the West is truly Satan's playground... as so many of the folks in the Iranian government are always saying... why would you be bragging this up in the first place?
-- TEHRAN -- Iran's parliament has voted to sack Interior Minister Ali Kordan after he admitted a degree he said he obtained from Oxford University was a forgery.

Mr Kordan said he had received the doctoral certificate in good faith, but it was later revealed as a crude fake.
Never let it be said though, that the Iranians are a humourless people...
The scandal has made the former minister a national laughing stock, with a fake resignation letter being passed round purporting to be from him, but full of misprints and crossings-out.

One MP said Mr Kordan - who worked as a university lecturer - had related invented tales to his students about his days in Oxford.

In fact he has never visited and does not even have a first degree.