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07 November 2008

More CTV Moonbat moments

Watched what was, no doubt, one of the proudest moments of Lloyd Robertson's journalistic, er... teleprompter reading career... apparently there are "curious stories" circulating about Sarah Palin. Apparently CTV no longer even needs actual facts.

The apogee of last night's CTV's coverage though, had to be this unbelievable example of Bush Derangement Syndrome... a slam on the first dog...
It seems President George W. Bush's dog Barney wasn't much in the mood for friendly attention during his walk outside the White House on Thursday.

So when Reuters reporter Jon Decker reached down to pet the Scottish terrier, the seemingly docile dog snapped at him and bit Decker's right index finger.
Yup... even the Bush family pet is an evil, twisted freak.

Thank you, once again, CTV.


"Oprabama just spent more on his campaign than any politician in the history of the world."

"His spending included 30 minute info-mercials in prime-time and Ben-Hur style movie sets. Yet our media wants us to be aghast at the fact that the other campaign spent money on clothes."
"Broadcast journalism will go the way of newspapers, they are just a little (very little) behind the death spiral."

"People aren't willing to wait until 11PM for Lloyd to be activated (he does seem more android than human these days) to spew the news 99% of the viewers have already seen on Youtube or read on the blogs or news aggregators."