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13 November 2008

It's a McSlippery world

Yeah, yeah, I know... I'm just a knuckle-draggin' neocon... but what we obviously need here is MORE COPS... and less Casey & Finnegan...
Speaking of that, in a year when Toronto has had 300 shooting victims, are we getting our millions' worth on the other programs set up to help them?

"Anybody know what happened to the youth and violence secretariat set up by the premier, which had former chief justice Roy McMurtry on it and former MPP Alvin Curling?" Toronto school board trustee Josh Matlow asked yesterday.

It was called the Review of the Roots of Youth Violence and was commissioned in 2007. "I tried to find any recommendations but have not actually been able to find an office," Matlow said. He even travelled to Queen's Park but couldn't find a desk or an employee.
Oh yeah... one more thing...
"Cost of McMurtry/Curling report so far -- $2 million."

UPDATE: All you need is love...

...and 40 million dollars for more social workers...
Education Minister Kathleen Wynne described the recent stabbing as a "very distressing setback," but said the province has already provided $43-million in additional funding to the school board to hire these professionals, and noted that a new child-and-youth worker will be assigned to C.W. Jefferys next week.
No wonder the health-care system is falling to pieces.


"Well, what do you expect? They are dealing with more important issues in the GTA - like whether or not to allow Tim Horton's to use paper coffee cups."

LAST WORD: Hey, Dr Dawg... try "root causes" this
"He put the knife to Michael Oatway, said, 'Give me that iPod. Michael, frightened, outnumbered, said, 'I can't do that.'"

"It was his girlfriend's iPod," Mr. McDermott said, as if by way of explanation. "He'd borrowed it."

S.M. then upped the ante, the prosecutor said: "Give me that iPod or you're going to get cut."

Mr. Oatway died of a stab wound to the heart.
And remember... don't call these guys criminals... they're just "rough and tumble" kids.
