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09 November 2008

If you build it...

...and publicly flog the hell out of it... maybe, just maybe... they will come...
One Toronto public trustee won't stop ringing alarm bells over the city's first Africentric school. Trustee Josh Matlow told the Sun yesterday that nothing good can come of the fact that Toronto District School Board officials continue to downgrade enrolment forecasts for the proposed school that is supposed to open next fall.
Alarm bells, huh? What exactly is this guy Josh Matlow... well, according to the Toronto Sun anyway... getting so hysterical about?
"When they first initiated this project, they implied that students from across the system would be knocking on our door, that this is something that was of such great need for our system," Matlow said. "Now they have to push an aggressive marketing campaign to see if they can get the minimum of 40 students. They've said that they'd be able to maintain an Africentric school if they have the minimum of two classes, roughly 40 kids."
The thing is... however "aggressive" this marketing campaign may be... it sounds like pretty thin gruel to me.
Matlow said not enough information about the school's curriculum has been released. "They weren't able to tell us what the curriculum will be although they're asking parents to enrol their kids there."
I guess that's what's called the "hard, but shallow sell."

Whaddaya think, Dawg?

You gonna start calling Josh Matlow a racist?
