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29 November 2008

I think I'll just wait...

...for the other shoe to drop...
-- Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today backtracked on a proposal to cut funding for political parties after the opposition sought to topple his minority government.

“We wanted to lead by example and we’re disappointed they’re not following us,” Baird said in an interview on CTV television. "We thought it would be fairly slam-dunk."

"It’s not worth going into an election over."

RELATED: Meanwhile... back at Dipper Central...

...plans for the Brave New Socialist World are taking shape...
Separately, coalition talks between the Liberals, NDP and Bloc continued Saturday. The NDP held an emergency caucus to discuss the details of a possible fiscal stimulus package to be introduced by the coalition government shortly after it would take power.

The NDP is asking for senior cabinet posts in any coalition government, including positions in charge of economic and social portfolios.