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08 November 2008

I just about fell off my chair

Mrs Neo... to my undying chagrin... tunes in to the CBC Radio programme "The Debaters" every Saturday morning. She and young Neophyte groove on the mostly uber-cheesy humour... despite the incredibly overwhelmingly left-wing bias.

Imagine my surprise when I overhear that todays topic is whether the CHRC should be abolished.

One of the comics actually makes reference to Richard "Lucy" Warman hacking into people's email accounts and, get this, his subconscious desire to impress his uncle... "Jimmy Hitler."

Stand by for a major taxpayer-funded lawsuit.


RELATED: Wow... never saw this coming either...
-- WASHINGTON -- Tehran's ruling mullahs must be denied nuclear weapons and their backing for Islamic terrorists must stop, president-elect Barack Obama warned yesterday, sounding every bit as tough as the man he will succeed in the Oval Office, U.S. President George W. Bush.

“Iran's development of a nuclear weapon, I believe, is unacceptable. We have to mount an international effort to prevent that from happening.”

“Iran's support of terrorist organizations is something that has to cease.”